News ![]() 09 Jun 2015 19:00:58 Source In Belarus appeared the court of arbitration for conflicts in ITwas the work of the court of Arbitration in the field of information technology and intellectual property. Judicial authority became a division of the Association of information technology companies (AKIT). According to the creators, the arbitration court focused primarily on the resolution of disputes in the field of information technology and intellectual property. the - Our goal is to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of adjudication, - said General Director of AKITA Dmitry Ananiev, - that is why special attention was paid to the selection of judges. the Chairman of the Arbitration court of the AKITA became a doctor of law Sciences, Professor Dmitry Demichev, head of Department of theory and history of law at the Belarusian state economic University. The Deputy Chairman will be doctor of legal Sciences, Professor Grigory Vasilevich (formerly the attorney General of the Republic of Belarus). Judges appointed leading lawyers and experts in the field of economic relations, intellectual property and information technology. the court of Arbitration can resolve disputes on violation of intellectual property rights and copyright. Also within its competence will include conflicts related to contracts in the field of IT and their violation - recovery of remuneration, compensation, termination and much more.Also, the court will consider cases involving a violation of official or commercial secrets. the court of Arbitration adopted by the Ministry of justice and is ready to consider the case. To access the mediator, the parties shall enter into an agreement and pay a fee. Its value will depend on the amount of the claim and will be from 11 base units. the creators of the structure note that the decision of the Arbitration court of the BREED will be mandatory, if necessary, their implementation will be ensured forcibly by the power of the state. Details can be found on the website of AKITAS. the Arbitration court is a non - governmental judicial body, which resolves conflicts in disputes of legal entities or citizens. The decision of the arbitration court are legally binding. See also: the Creators of World of Tanks has filed a lawsuit against the Chinese copycats Other news in this section
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