10 Feb 2015 10:30:05

Japanese hotel Henn-ha will greet visitors robots, human-like

This still can be seen only in Japan. In July in Nagasaki opens new hotel, which will serve not only people, but also 10 humanoid robots...

This still can be seen only in Japan. In July in Nagasaki opens new hotel, which will serve not only people, but also 10 humanoid robots, which will stand or sit behind desks Desk.


Japanese hotel Henn-ha will greet visitors robots, human-like


Robotics Japan is making strides and is now fighting with the display issue on the faces of these robots, human feelings and emotions.


Japanese hotel Henn-ha will greet visitors robots, human-like


the Robots will perform the registration of the visitors of the hotel, and then transfer them to living representatives of the staff. Interestingly, the robots will be able to make eye contact and even use gestures and jokes.


Japanese hotel Henn-ha will greet visitors robots, human-like


in Addition, robots (not humanoid) will be over by their baggage, make coffee, clean up and delivery of Laundry. The entire hotel is equipped with the latest technology: it will be equipped with a security system with face detection, the sensor body temperature and tablets to staff call and order services.


the Minimum cost of one night in the hotel will be $60, and room for three will cost $153. Initially there will be only 72 rooms, and in 2016 will be added 72.

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