News ![]() 22 Sep 2015 13:00:13 Source Pavel Durov believes WhatsApp "fluff"At the last San Francisco TechCrunch Disrupt conference 2015 the founder of a social network "Vkontakte" and the messenger Telegram, Pavel Durov harshly criticized rival in the person of WhatsApp. This messenger Russian businessman called "fluff", comparing with the "garden wall", as users can access their messages only from your smartphone, but not with all devices, including computers. Read more... At the last San Francisco TechCrunch Disrupt conference 2015 the founder of a social network "Vkontakte" and the messenger Telegram, Pavel Durov harshly criticized rival in the person of WhatsApp. This messenger Russian businessman called "fluff", comparing with the "garden wall", as users can access their messages only from your smartphone, but not with all devices, including computers. "If you have WhatsApp and the phone goes down, you don't have access to messages, you cannot send documents, it is bad from the point of view of privacy, quoted Durov RBC. — I was a big fan of WhatsApp, they are not and now". According to Durov, in his messenger is constantly growing user activity: in December of last year through the app went 1 billion messages per day in August of this year already 10 billion messages, and in September 12 billion. Also the founder of the messenger stated that the service will attract third-party partners who provide paid services to users. The developers paid content for Telegram will share their income with Durov. as for the alleged use Telegram terrorists from ISIS because of its encryption protocols, Durov said that "our right to privacy is more important than the fear of terrorism, and ISIS will always find another way of communication." Other news in this section
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