News RSS 14 Jul 2015 14:30:11 Source The Russians received a "right to be forgotten" on the InternetFrom January 1, 2016, the Russians will be able to require Internet search engines to remove links that lead to inaccurate or outdated information about them. Such a possibility is in the law of "the right to oblivion", which are today his signature was put by the President of Russia. To check the accuracy and relevance of information ordered search engines. Read more... From January 1, 2016, the Russians will be able to require Internet search engines to remove links that lead to inaccurate or outdated information about them. Such a possibility is in the law of "the right to oblivion", which are today his signature was put by the President of Russia. To check the accuracy and relevance of information ordered search engines. To remove defamatory links will need to send an official statement to specify your personal details and the link that the applicant wants to show the public. For 10 days the search engine will have to make a decision. If it does not satisfy the user, the Internet company will have to wait for the court at the place of residence of the applicant. the Russian deputies, who developed the document, note that it is directed against bullying on the Internet. Internet companies are outraged by the law and stated that it violates the rights of citizens to access to information and contrary to the public interest. For example, a senior official may remove from public access information about your past crime or "the mischief". Similar regulatory document works in Europe, where Google a year has received more than 282 thousand requests to remove a million references. Granted it was about 41.3% of the applications. Other news in this section
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