News RSS 05 Feb 2016 12:00:23 Source The Internet has made the sleeping programmer at meme (12 photos)When applying for a job or practice a new employee trying to prove that he is capable of much and is willing to work for me. The main thing — do not overdo it. Probably a user of the website Reddit under the pseudonym TheOrangeDuke not calculated their strength and the first day fell asleep on a workplace in one of the IT companies. Read more... When applying for a job or practice a new employee trying to prove that he is capable of much and is willing to work for me. The main thing — do not overdo it. Probably a user of the website Reddit under the pseudonym TheOrangeDuke not calculated their strength and the first day fell asleep on a workplace in one of the IT companies. Colleagues, as it turned out, was humorous and made a collective photo with TheOrangeDuke as the main character. The Intern later saw the photo and, thinking it funny, posted to Reddit, and later it appeared in the popular branch PsBattle, where masters of Photoshop "make people beautiful". the Result has not kept itself waiting long, and soon began to appear quite remarkable work with TheOrangeDuke in different looks and guises. See also: the
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