News RSS 31 Jul 2015 09:30:11 Source Windows 10 set to 14 million computersthe head of the marketing division of Windows in Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi said in a blog post about installing the operating system Windows 10 at 14 million computers. For the first time the company offers to get a free OS for most of the users of previous versions, for this reason, the spread of Win 10 is expected to be high. Read more... the head of the marketing division of Windows in Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi said in a blog post about installing the operating system Windows 10 at 14 million computers. For the first time the company offers to get a free OS for most of the users of previous versions, for this reason, the spread of Win 10 is expected to be high. Recall that a free upgrade to the "tens" available for owners of licensed versions of Windows 7 and 8/8.1. However, as shown, to receive the registered version of the OS can and "pirates". Those wishing to buy Windows 10 can do this through the Russian version of the official Microsoft store. Belarusian prices on Windows 10 is unknown, but we were assured that they should not differ greatly from the recommended $120 for a Home version of the OS. by the Way, during the upgrade the new operating system uses a PC to deliver updates to other users — is responsible for WUDO (Windows Update Delivery Optimization). Working on the principles of torrents, it is enabled by default in versions of Windows 10 Home and Pro. In Windows 10 Enterprise and Education it only works on the local network. In theory, the feature is useful, but not for those who have, for example, traffic restrictions. Other news in this section
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