25 Jan 2016 10:00:16

The Microsoft tablets failed American football players during important games (video)

the Surface Pro Tablets, which coach New England Patriots showed replays suggested tactics stopped working at a crucial moment of the match. Three branded tablet at the Microsoft stand at one point stopped updating relevant information and did not respond to attempts to bring them back to life.


the Surface Pro Tablets, which coach New England Patriots showed replays suggested tactics stopped working at a crucial moment of the match. Three branded tablet at the Microsoft stand at one point stopped updating relevant information and did not respond to attempts to bring them back to life.

As explained during the broadcast commentators, coaches New England Patriots could not show their players photos from the last draw and develop tactics for a new one. Had to intervene representatives of the League, but they failed to bring back to life all tablets.

Microsoft officials later in the comments to The Verge explained that the problem was not caused by your network connection. While tablet rivals New England Patriots worked in a regular mode.

Microsoft in 2013 paid about $ 400 million for the right to offer Surface Pro as a business tablet on the field for players in American football. After that, the tablet repeatedly hit the frame in a pretty bad way, when frustrated by the game, the players did not spare devices Microsoft.

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