News RSS 18 Dec 2015 16:30:14 Source In Beijing included "foggy cannon" for smog (video)the Chinese capital and the surrounding province are faced with serious problem of air pollution caused by large emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere. The government promises in the coming years to offer an effective solution, but the authorities decided now to try out non-standard solutions: in some Chinese cities have earned the guns, generating fog, says Science Alert. Read more... the Chinese capital and the surrounding province are faced with serious problem of air pollution caused by large emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere. The government promises in the coming years to offer an effective solution, but the authorities decided now to try out non-standard solutions: in some Chinese cities have earned the guns, generating fog, says Science Alert. Guns are produced by the Chinese company Hunan Jiujiu Mining Safety Equipment was originally developed for purifying air in mines and reduce the risk of lung disease in miners. Recently, experts have modified your device and offer it for wider use. The gun generates a fine liquid particle size 10 µm, which are sprayed in the air on the square 100×100 meters and a height of 60 meters. But even this size of water particles is not sufficient to fully clean the air from pollution. Mobile cannon that can be installed on the truck, estimated at $ 92 700. For fixed installations it is necessary to allocate from the budget of 12 400$. See also: the
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