News RSS 03 Feb 2016 13:00:16 Source Google software engineer has collected a smart mirrorMax brown of Google decided to upgrade the mirror in her bathroom. Now, while the man in the morning, brushing her teeth, in the reflection he may study the weather forecast and the latest news headlines. It took only embed between bilateral mirror and Cabinet door display controller, according to Gizmodo. Read more... Max brown of Google decided to upgrade the mirror in her bathroom. Now, while the man in the morning, brushing her teeth, in the reflection he may study the weather forecast and the latest news headlines. It took only embed between bilateral mirror and Cabinet door display controller, according to Gizmodo. the data is updated automatically: the text and graphic weather forecast, time and calendar date, the headlines of actual news. As brown says, it's still a working prototype. Behind the closet door hid a bunch of wires from a set-top box Amazon Fire TV Stick, which is controlled by the remote control app for Android and allows you to give voice commands to the mirror. Employee of Google is experimenting with adding Google Now cards that show the situation to him on the road and useful tips. See also: the
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