21 Sep 2015 09:30:12

Apple cleared from the AppStore malware after a large-scale infection

Apple spent cleaning in the app store for iOS after a large-scale attack hackers: infecting hundreds of popular programs for working with banking services, chat rooms, maps, and so forth. Apple has taken the necessary measures after several specializing in IT security firms reported the detection of malicious code in the programs available at AppStore.


Apple spent cleaning in the app store for iOS after a large-scale attack hackers: infecting hundreds of popular programs for working with banking services, chat rooms, maps, and so forth. Apple has taken the necessary measures after several specializing in IT security firms reported the detection of malicious code in the programs available at AppStore.

according to Reuters, to attack in the Apple app store, there were only five infected applications. The introduction of malicious code due to developers unlicensed versions of special software needed to create applications — Xcode.

"We have removed all programs that are, according to our data, were created by using pirate versions of the mentioned SOFTWARE," said an Apple representative. He refused to name the exact number of programs that have been removed from the AppStore. The experts stress that a malicious app had limited functionality and was unlikely to cause harm. The main problem, in their opinion, lies in the fact that hackers can use a vulnerability found in the future. A source of proliferation of infected Xcode was the Chinese server.

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