04 Jun 2015 21:30:59

The newest frontline bomber su-34 is turned upside down when landing

Image: wikipedia.orgthere was the first incident with the su-34 in the Russian air force.

the Fourth of June was indeed a black day for the Russian air force: it lost two aircraft. The newest frontline bomber su-34 at 16.30 GMT overturned, coming to a landing on the airfield in the Voronezh region – the car did not deploy drag chute.


because Of this, the plane could not suppress the speed, and flew over the airfield and overturned. The su-34 was seriously damaged, but there was no fire. In the Russian defense Ministry confirmed the loss of the aircraft, RIA Novosti reported. The aircraft dented the fuselage, broken landing gear and damaged the wing. Injured in accident no. By the way, this is the first incident with the su-34 in the Russian air force.

Photos: u-f.EN

At 14 00. GMT crashed another plane: MiG-29 fighter. He collapsed close to the ground "Ashuluk" near Astrakhan, where not so long ago was training in the framework of the Russian President had declared a surprise inspection.

the Pilots managed to eject and the plane caught fire and then exploded. As a result, the MiG-29 is completely destroyed and cannot be restored. The plane belonged to the State flight test center (glic) named after V. P. Chkalov.

See also: F-22A crash-landed on the "belly" and almost burned down
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