The Chinese army women is more than a soldier in the armed forces of some countries.
the army of women is more than a soldier in the armed forces of some countries. They serve in the Navy, the army and even in the air force.
Many are attracted to the benefits provided by the military: for example, a one-time discount on the purchase of housing (70%), after 12 years of service with the state helps to get the citizen pays for retraining courses and provides significant benefits for business start-up.
Entertainment without a family is not necessary: all officers have the right to take her with him to the place of service (but live family should for territory part), and the army is obliged to employ the wives of the officers or men. One of the most deadly occupations that have mastered the women in the army PRC - snipers, they are in the photo gallery 42.TUT.BY.
See also: Beautiful floor in the army: girls who sit at the helm U60 Black Hawk and firing M16>>