News RSS 02 Jul 2015 11:00:55 Source Study: Internet impairs a person's memorythe Development of digital technologies and the Internet makes people prone to memory loss. This is the conclusion of researchers from Kaspersky Lab, which has conducted monitoring more than one thousand Americans. As it turned out, nearly half of respondents — 44% — can't reproduce in its memory the phone numbers of even close relatives. With regard to numbers of your friends and neighbors, here the situation is even worse. Read more... the Development of digital technologies and the Internet makes people prone to memory loss. This is the conclusion of researchers from Kaspersky Lab, which has conducted monitoring more than one thousand Americans. As it turned out, nearly half of respondents — 44% — can't reproduce in its memory the phone numbers of even close relatives. With regard to numbers of your friends and neighbors, here the situation is even worse. Scientists already came up with a separate term for memory loss due to use of Internet and gadgets is the "digital amnesia". Instead of having to enter data for the person already on a subconscious level shifts these responsibilities to a computer or smartphone. As it turned out, more than half of the respondents could not remember phone numbers of friends and neighbors, and 44% have problems with remembering numbers brothers and sisters. 90% of respondents agreed that they used the Internet as a "Supplement for the brain". But the problem translates into the difficulty of memorizing not only phone numbers but also more fundamental issues: for example, students can't remember the names of the U.S. presidents in order of their Board and state capitals. such has been the outcome and other studies. So, in 2011 in the journal Science published an article in which it was alleged that because of the Internet, people become worse to remember factual information, but remember better search methods. Other news in this section
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