News RSS 17 Jul 2015 10:00:14 Source Scientists have grown miniature human heartResearchers at the University of California, the U.S. managed in the laboratory to grow a miniature human heart from stem cells. A-body diameter is only half a millimetre, but it has a camera like this ventricle of the heart. Scientists are going to use the mini-heart for the testing of new drugs and the study of heart disease. Read more... Researchers at the University of California, the U.S. managed in the laboratory to grow a miniature human heart from stem cells. A-body diameter is only half a millimetre, but it has a camera like this ventricle of the heart. Scientists are going to use the mini-heart for the testing of new drugs and the study of heart disease. "Our model is the first step to building a heart that relies on self-organization of stem cells without the use of external supporting materials," said Zhen MA, specialist of the University. Already conducted the first experiment: in the mini-heart introduced a dose of sleeping pills "Thalidomide", which was popular in the middle of the last century, and then in the grown body began violations and deviations in development. Other news in this section
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