News RSS 17 Nov 2015 15:30:14 Source Scientists come closer to creating a "freeze ray"American physics first tested a cooling system with a laser. Infrared laser, by which scientists were able to cool the water interacts with crystals of lithium compounds, fluoride, ytterbium and yttrium. In the future, the technology can be used in the creation of electronics and, in particular, CPUs with built-in cooling. Read more... American physics first tested a cooling system with a laser. Infrared laser, by which scientists were able to cool the water interacts with crystals of lithium compounds, fluoride, ytterbium and yttrium. In the future, the technology can be used in the creation of electronics and, in particular, CPUs with built-in cooling. Biologists and physicians will also find the use of the cooling laser in their research and conduct some operations. In addition, the researchers were able to achieve significant reduction of production of some key components. At the moment the technology is in its infancy and will take time for its further development. Thus, in the tests physicists have been able to cool water to 2.2 degrees Celsius, which doesn't seem a significant achievement, reports Science Alert. However, given the fact that this was done for the first time, the significance of the discovery is impressive. See also: the
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