12 May 2015 09:00:55

Named the probable cause of the crash of the space truck "Progress"

the Accident occurred due to an abnormal operation of engines of the third stage of the carrier rocket "Soyuz 2.1 a".

Became known to the prior conclusion of a special Commission investigating the cause of the crash of the space truck "Progress M-27M". According to the source RIA "Novosti" in the "Roscosmos", the accident occurred due to an abnormal operation of engines of the third stage of the carrier rocket "Soyuz 2.1 a".

the Progress M-27M". Photo: NASA

"we can Already say that the accident "Progress", according to preliminary data, occurred because of an abnormal operation of the engine of the third stage of the carrier rocket "Soyuz 2.1 a" with the last ascent phase of a space truck. Details of the incident will be known later, after the results of operation of the emergency Commission may 13,", - said the source Agency.

the Specialist added that because of this accident, was also postponed the start of a new expedition to the ISS. Due to heightened security measures (professionals should check some of the nodes and the control system of the engine RD-0110 applied on the 3rd level of carrier).

Recall that on April 28 on a spaceship "Progress M-27M" was that a critical situation. Due to output a carrier truck into an unplanned orbit the unit began an uncontrolled spin and was unable to dock to the ISS. On Board the ship was 2.5 tons of cargo, including fuel, supplies, food and scientific equipment.

may 8 spacecraft entered the upper atmosphere and ceased to exist in 05.04 Minsk time over the Central Pacific ocean.

According to preliminary information, the damage from the fall of the ship is estimated at 5 billion Russian rubles.

See also: Five space tragedies: accidents on ships with casualties >>
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