News RSS 18 May 2015 12:30:57 Source In Russia invented the "unparalleled artificial intelligence"In Russia, have invented a new artificial intelligence that can control cars, airplanes, vacuum cleaners, and also to solve problems in geometry for 7th grade. For a new intelligence the power of the computer on which you install it, it doesn't matter, say its developers. For example, installation on the car will cost 50 thousand rubles ($1 thousand), and not in millions of dollars, reports "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". Read more... In Russia, have invented a new artificial intelligence that can control cars, airplanes, vacuum cleaners, and also to solve problems in geometry for 7th grade. For a new intelligence the power of the computer on which you install it, it doesn't matter, say its developers. For example, installation on the car will cost 50 thousand rubles ($1 thousand), and not in millions of dollars, reports "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". At the core of the platform is a new approach, when the program has a set of knowledge and issues them on demand, but she uses them to solve problems. In this case it is based on man's logic. Artificial intelligence is a marketing term that until recently, not quite correctly reflect the essence of technology. To create it, says the Professor of the Moscow state automobile and road technical University (MADI) Oleg Varlamov, humanity is only suitable now. According to him, Russia was the first to develop artificial intelligence, not just sequentially iterates through the table data, but also able to think logically. This AI issue reasons for its decisions and can adjust them if conditions change. Thus, artificial intelligence will have the opportunity to make independent decisions in emergency situations. the "Mewarna technology, including multi-dimensional database and a unique algorithm of information processing, completely developed by us. All of our patented technology", said Varlamov. While the program is not capable of emotions, but in the future it will become a reality, as well as the training of its female logic elements. Other news in this section
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