13 Feb 2015 07:00:05

Found a notebook Newton outlining unknown theory

Photo: The Cambridge University LibraryIn it a scientist shares his thoughts about how the water rises from the roots to the leaves of the trees.

David Beerling, an employee of the University of Sheffield (UK), published in the journal Nature Plants, previously unknown note Isaac Newton on thinking about botany.

Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton

In a note, Newton shares his thoughts about as the water rises from the roots to the leaves of the trees. He suggested that light knocks particles filled with water from the pores of the plants. Guess Newton was able to confirm only 200 years later. < / br>
Modern explanation of the movement of water in plants relies on the capillary mechanism for vertical movement of the liquid and osmosis.

Photo: The Cambridge University Library
Photo: The Cambridge University Library

the Entry was found in Notepad, the scientist who led in 1661-1665 years during their study at Cambridge University. In it Newton jotting down observations and thoughts about the various experiences in the field of metaphysics, mathematics, and physics. Later, the heirs of the scientist thought this notebook is not publishable and gave it to Cambridge University. < / br>
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